Conserving and restoring healthy forests, agricultural land and coastal ecosystems are at the heart of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. is looking for successful ecopreneurs who bring fresh perspectives and ground-breaking solutions to conserve our forests and restore our landscapes via our Nature-Based Solutions Innovation Challenges on UpLink, a digital platform to crowdsource and accelerate top innovations for the Sustainable Development Goals.

Trillion Trees
Top Innovators
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How to engage
If you are an Innovator looking for support, sign-up on UpLink and add your solution! Our Challenges are run on a continual basis in our priority regions, such as the Sahel, the Amazon Basin and India. Additionally, we run thematic challenges around Youth, Forest Commodities and Carbon Markets – make sure you look out for the latest live Innovation Challenge.
If you want to support a project, become part of the Innovation Community and interact directly with the innovators.