China will aim to grow and conserve 70 billion trees by 2030 as part of the global tree movement... 中国计划在2030年前种植和保育700亿棵树作为全球植树行动的一部分
China overview

Why China 为什么选择在中国 ?
China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for the Protection and Development of Forests and Grasslands states that by 2025, China will complete the goal of greening approximately 33.3 million ha (approximately 500 million mu) of land area, thereby increasing the country’s forest coverage rate to 24.1%. At the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Annual Meeting, China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change announced that further action will be taken in the following aspects: policy formulation, energy transition and forest carbon sinks, strengthening the conservation of existing forests, and striving to plant and conserve 70 billion trees within 10 years in response to the initiative.
中国的《“十四五”林业草原保护发展规划纲要》计划在2025年前完成国土绿化3330万公顷(约5亿亩),同时提升国家总体的森林覆盖率至24.1%。在2022年世界经济论坛年会上, 中国气候变化特使解振华宣布将进一步从“政策制定、能源转型、森林碳汇三方面采取行动,加强现有森林资源的保育,响应世界经济论坛发起的“全球植万亿棵树”领军者倡议,力争10年内植树700亿棵”。

Our Focus 我们关注
A new initiative called China Action will assist with this ambitious target through collective effort based on China’s 14th Five-Year Plan. This plan includes a framework that outlines government-led planting and conservation activities, which include engineering afforestation, urban forestry, sectoral greening activities, and specific afforestation methods such as aerial seeding, closing hillsides to livestock grazing and fuel gathering, restoration of degraded forests, forest tending, and other methods based on best scientific practices. China Action aims to mobilize, organize, and encourage citizens to participate in voluntary tree planting activities every year while also facilitating private sector, civil society, and public action. For more information, please visit our China Action webpage.
全球植万亿棵树领军者倡议”中国行动旨在动员、组织并鼓励公民常年参与义务植树造林的活动,同时促进私营部门、社会团体、以及公共部门的行动。更多信息,请访问 “全球植万亿棵树领军者倡议——中国行动”。
China: How we work

How we work 我们如何开展工作 China Action will be implemented with the guidance of China’s National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and jointly led by the World Economic Forum and the China Green Foundation. China Action aims to build a platform for the private sector, civil society, and individuals to contribute to ecological development efforts, support China's emission and carbon neutrality goals, and contribute to the global movement to conserve, restore, and grow 1 trillion trees by 2030.