1t.org mobilizes, connects, and empowers the global reforestation community, in support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Partners & communities

Corporate partners
Business leaders engage through the 1t.org Corporate Alliance and/or by making a pledge to conserve, restore and grow trees this decade. Companies working with 1t.org on a global level are committed to set a company-wide Paris Agreement-aligned emissions reduction target, such as a 1.5°C Science-Based Target or a credible net-zero goal by or before 2050.

Implementing partner networks
We recognize that there are many high-quality implementing partners across regions. 1t.org works with network organisations and advisors like the Botanic Gardens Conservation International and the Global EverGreening Alliance to orient investment towards socially and ecologically responsible approaches. We also recommend TerraMatch to help funders find well suited implementation partners working to conserve and restore forests worldwide.
Trillion Trees and 1t.org have forged a unique partnership to address common challenges in the global conversations around quality forest conservation, restoration, and monitoring. As leaders in the global trillion trees movement, our aim in working together is to help ensure that restoration efforts around the world get the right trees into the right places, advocating for restoration projects to adhere to the global principles of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR). Watch our video to find out more.
The collaboration between 1t.org and other organisations on geospatial monitoring aims to provide the digital and reporting infrastructure for transparency, trust and investment.

Through UpLink, 1t.org crowdsources, evaluates and selects innovators offering solutions to scale forest conservation and restoration. If you have an innovation you’d like us to feature, join the UpLink Trillion Trees community to celebrate solutions, share resources, stay updated, exchange ideas and ask questions.

Regional partners & communities
1t.org supports the world’s boldest initiatives for forest conservation, restoration and reforestation, and catalyzes action in priority regions. Across these regions, we facilitate multi-stakeholder groups, spotlight innovations that are ready to scale, and unlock private sector partnerships and targeted investment flows.

Youth Hub for #Generation Restoration
The Youth Hub for #GenerationRestoration is a growing and diverse community of almost 100 youth leaders and organizations, with a potential collective reach of 70 million youth worldwide. Co-convened by 1t.org and Global Landscapes Forum - Youth in Landscapes in support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, its goals are to inspire, support and mainstream high quality restoration action led by young ecopreneurs and activists.
Learn more about our Youth Hub for #GenerationRestoration here.
Engage (partners & communities)

How can I engage as an individual?
Everyone can get involved in conserving and restoring forests. Here are a few ways you could get involved: