Protect 6 million hectares of primary jungle forest worldwide
Pledge by
AJE Group
Protection of 6 million hectares through the creation of sustainable value chains with indigenous communities, empowering their culture, and supporting endangered species, thus protecting biodiversity.

- Type
- Conserving, Enabling
- This pledge will take place from
- 2020 to beyond 2030
- Location
- Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and more
Pledge overview
AJE Group has a vision of sustainability at the center and core of its business: to lead the Natural Revolution by valuing biodiversity and the cultural heritage of the countries where we operate, empowering their communities.
The objective of this commitment is to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, protecting 6 million hectares of primary forests in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Central America, Mexico, Thailand and Indonesia through rigorous sustainable management of natural resources and in partnership with local communities. The sustainable supply chain contributes to improving the lives of communities, empowers their culture and protects endangered native species from extinction.
We also contribute to the enhancement of non-timber natural resources, the creation of a sustainable market with superfruits and other initiatives to protect wild fauna and flora. In this way, we seek to promote fair trade and the generation of positive impacts on communities and biodiversity through agreements that benefit them socially, economically and environmentally in the short and long term.
Our protection initiatives contribute to tackling climate change. The areas where we are working are made up of the Amazonian peatlands of Peru and Ecuador, one of the world's main carbon reserves, as well as the large carbon reserves that exist in the tropical forests of Central America. Through their conservation, billions of tons of CO2 are not emitted into the atmosphere, thus combating the effects of global warming.
Actions in this pledge
Conserving trees and forest landscapes
Supporting actions
- Conservation support activities
- Support the operating costs and activities of existing conservation areas, including advocacy for conservation policy
- Other conservation activities
- Nature based solutions and bio-sustainable economies promotion protecting biodiversity and native species.
Additional details
Aje Group is conserving 4.7 million hectares from 2020 to the present. We want to increase conservation projects in Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Thailand, and Indonesia to protect 6 million hectares by 2030. Monitored and endorsed by public conservation institutions in each country.
- Land area
- 6 million hectares
Enabling activities for trees and forest landscapes
Supporting actions
- Sustainable forest management
- Activities that support the stewardship and use of forests (including by local communities and indigenous peoples), to maintain their biological diversity, productivity, and regeneration capacity, as well as their potential to fulfil relevant ecological economic and social functions
- Market development for sustainable forest products
- Activities that create markets and demand for ecologically and socially responsible timber and non-timber forest and agroforestry products, e.g. capacity-building for the harvesting and processing of agroforestry products, forest certification standards, etc.
- Education and capacity building
- Forest / tree species conservation and restoration education programmes, targeted educational and behaviour change campaigns, training and capacity building, including promotion of local and traditional knowledge and practices
- Community mobilisation
- Community mobilisation and engagement activities for conservation, restoration and reforestation, including enabling systems of community governance, etc.
Additional details
The implementation of our initiative has resulted in 1,150,000 kilos of sustainable produced superfruits, 22 communities involved and 112000 hectares of protected areas. We plan to double these numbers with this pledge by 2030.
Our ecologically and socially responsible approach
By creating sustainable value chains, empowering indigenous communities, who will become guardians of the forests, and getting involved with NGO nature conservation projects that preserve endangered species. For example, the protection of the Red Guacamaya with Wildlife Conservation Society in Guatemala, the Shihuahuaco tree with Arbio in Peru and the Giant turtle with Galapagos Conservation Society in Ecuador.
We are creating sustainable value chains in primary forests of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Central America. Our initiatives are implemented in partnership with credible third parties.
• In Peru we have the support and verification of SERNANP (National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State of Peru attached to the Ministry of Environment) as well as of Partnership for Forest, department of the British Government for the protection of forests.
• In Colombia we are working in collaboration with Partnership for Forest.
• Our partners in Ecuador are the Pachamama foundation and the French Development Agency that support biodiversity conservation.
• In Central America we are working with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) as a partner.
We are currently analyzing the suggested proposal of working with IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions in order to ensure the quality, transparency and impact of our commitment with Mother Nature.
Our system of accreditation
• Race To Zero for UNFCCC.
• United Nations Global Compact.
• United Nations Climate Neutral Now.
• Business Coalition for a Plastic Treaty.
• Wildlife Conservation Society.
• "Allies for Conservation" certified by SERNANP.
• "Protectors of the Giant Tortoises in Galapagos" certified by the Galapagos Conservancy.
Our partners
• British Embassy in Peru and Colombia.
• Ministry of Environment Panama.
• Ministry of Environment Peru.
• SERNANP (National Service of Natural Protected Areas of Peru).
• SINAC (National Service of Conservation Areas of Costa Rica).
• CONAP (National Council of Protected Areas of Guatemala).
• WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society).
• French Development Agency.
• Regional Governments in Peru and Ecuador.
• Municipality of Machu Pichu Peru.
• Galapagos Conservancy Ecuador.
• Arbio Peru.
• Inka Terra Peru.
• APSARA – Cambodia.
• Taman Wisata Candi – Indonesia.
• Provincial government – Ayutthaya Thailand.
Our locations
We are working at locations across Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Thailand.
More details described at and