2 Million USD to Protect Life, Land, and Water
Pledge by
Pledging $2 Million for a Greener Future: Protecting Wildlife, Conserving Water, Reviving Lakes, Planting Trees, and Empowering Livelihoods through Sustainable Action with Global Impact

- Type
- Conserving, Restoring & Growing, Enabling
- This pledge will take place from
- 2020 to 2030
- Location
- Hungary, India, Philippines and more
Pledge overview
Our company is committed to driving meaningful environmental and social impact through diverse, multi-stakeholder initiatives across geographies, focusing on conservation, sustainability, and community empowerment.
Key highlights of our pledge include:
1. Partnership with WWF in the Chambal Region (2024–2028)
- Benefiting 50,000 farmers across Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
- Enhancing populations of river dolphins and gharials along 120 km of the Chambal River.
- Conserving 5,000 square kilometers of the landscape.
- Establishing a sustainable, multi-stakeholder framework for long-term environmental management.
2. Water Conservation and Resilient Farming with WOTR in Rajasthan (2024–2028)
- Creating and restoring water harvesting structures to save 128 million litres of water annually.
- Introducing resilient farming techniques to boost crop productivity by up to 30% for 1,600 farmers.
3. Afforestation Initiatives (2020–2030)
- Planted 149,168 saplings from 2020 to 2024 and committed to planting an additional 201,426 saplings by 2030.
- Collaborative efforts with NGOs in Hungary, Bucharest, Cluj, Philippines, and India.
- Sequestering approximately 65,000 metric tons of CO₂ over this period.
4. Lake Rejuvenation Projects
- Revived Ghata Bundh Lake (4.5 acres) in Gurugram with IAMGURGAON (2022–2025)
- Restored Kothakunta Lake (4.6 hecatres) in Hafeezpet, Hyderabad with United Way Hyderabad (2020–2026)
5. Rainwater Harvesting and Youth Engagement in Poland
- Installed 10 rainwater harvesting tanks in 10 public primary schools (2022–2023), saving 30,000 litres annually and fostering sustainability awareness among students
6. Mangrove Plantation and Turtle Conservation in the Philippines
- Planted 400 mangroves in Bataan (2023) with 70 employees volunteers.
- Released 21 baby turtles and removed beach waste with Pawikan Conservation Centre (2024), involving 30 employee volunteers
7. Environmental Awareness Programs (2021–2030)
- Conducted 25+ sessions globally, covering topics such as environmental conservation, sustainable lifestyles, renewable energy, waste management, sustainable food practices, and responsible tourism.
- Collaborated with renowned global speakers and organizations to inspire sustainable action.
By investing $2 million for 10 years from 2020 to 2030 through these initiatives, we aim to create lasting environmental and social impact by empowering communities, fostering biodiversity, and championing sustainability to reflect our unwavering commitment to a greener and more sustainable future for all.
Actions in this pledge
Conserving trees and forest landscapes
Supporting actions
- Permanent conservation
- Secure a forest through acquisition or legal agreement to avoid planned or unplanned deforestation or degradation, and/or ensure permanent conservation of land
- Conservation support activities
- Support the operating costs and activities of existing conservation areas, including advocacy for conservation policy
Additional details
Under current programme funded by Genpact, WWF is working in a geographical area of 5000 square km which are corridors used by terrestrial species for their movements to and from 3 wildlife sanctuaries (Kuno-Madhav-Ghatigaon WLS). To secure these corridors (outside the protected areas) we are working with forest department and state governments to build knowledge on these corridors and work on policy advocacy for their conservation and protection.
WWF-India has focused on various freshwater conservation initiatives in the Ganga basin, including sustainable river basin planning and management, environmental flows, industrial and urban water stewardship, wetlands conservation, and aquatic biodiversity (including Gharials, Dolphins and Turtles) and habitat conservation.
Under this new Genpact-WWF-India initiative, we aim to transform the management of landscapes and rivers within the Chambal-Yamuna system to improve the health of the Ganga River Basin. The Chambal-Yamuna programme will focus on understanding the current situation, challenges, and future trends, and identifying implementation opportunities. Strategies will be developed to support the rejuvenation of the Ganga River (including selected tributaries) and sustainable management of the landscape through multi-stakeholder-led collective action. This includes E-Flows assessment in two rivers (450 km of river length), tributary rejuvenation through agriculture water management (in 20000 ha of CCA), habitat management of aquatic and avian species (120 km of river stretch), promoting climate-resilient agriculture and terrestrial species corridor management in the Parbati-Sindh (Yamuna) and Kali (Ganga) rivers.
This initiative will be a collaborative endeavor, actively involving a diverse range of stakeholders at every stage. From conducting technical studies and implementing field activities to developing strategic plans and advocating for supportive policies, these stakeholders will play a crucial role. Key participants will include district administrations, relevant technical departments, forest departments from the three concerned states, irrigation and water resources departments, fisheries departments, the National Mission for Clean Ganga, the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, and other relevant entities.Conserving
- Land area
- 5000 km2
Restoring and growing trees and forest landscapes
Supporting actions
- Assisted natural regeneration
- Actions that support natural regeneration without tree planting, such as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration, forest soil remediation, exotic species control, disease prevention, and wildfire protection
- Reforestation
- Re-establishment of forest through planting and/or deliberate seeding on land classified as forest, that has been degraded or where trees are unlikely to regenerate naturally
- Agroforestry
- Activities that establish and manage the integration of trees into agricultural landscapes, silvopastoral systems, farming in forests and along forest margins and tree-crop production
- Mangrove restoration
- Establishment or enhancement of mangroves along coastal areas and in estuaries
- Watershed protection and erosion control
- Establishment and enhancement of forests on very steep sloping land, along water courses, in areas that naturally flood and around critical water bodies
- Urban tree planting
- Planting and maintaining trees within urban areas
Additional details
Project Overview
2024: WWF - livelihood, Ghadiyal project; Chambal project etc – Chambal, India
2024: WOTR - water conservation; Agriculture – India
2024: TURTLE Preservat – Philippines
2020-2030: Plantation- India & Global
2021-2024: Environmenal Awareness session – Global areas of Genpact presenc
2020-2025: Lake Rejuvenation (4.61 hectares) in KothaKunta, Hafeezpet, Hyderabad – India
2022-2025: Lake Rejuvenation (4.5 acres) in Ghata Bundh, Gurgaon – India
2022-2023: Rain water harvesting tanks – Poland
2023: Mangrove plantation – PhilippinesMonitoring Plan
1. Third-Party Verification
- Partner with CERE (Centre for Environmental Research and Education) for carbon sequestration verification in India.
- Collaborate with respective NGOs for independent evaluation of water conservation, afforestation, and biodiversity projects.
2. Periodic Reporting
- Regular progress reports from partners like WWF, WOTR, IAMGURGAON, and United Way Hyderabad.
- On-ground assessments and data collection for each project milestone.
3. Community and Volunteer Feedback
- Engage with local communities and volunteers to evaluate project effectiveness and gather insights for improvement.
4. Long-term Sustainability Metrics
- Continuous monitoring of carbon sequestration rates, water savings, and biodiversity recovery even after project completion.Restoring & Growing
- Trees
- 350,594
Enabling activities for trees and forest landscapes
Supporting actions
- Nursery and seedling development
- Establish tree nurseries, including actions such as identification and collection of seeds and/or growing seedlings
- Education and capacity building
- Forest / tree species conservation and restoration education programmes, targeted educational and behaviour change campaigns, training and capacity building, including promotion of local and traditional knowledge and practices
- Community mobilisation
- Community mobilisation and engagement activities for conservation, restoration and reforestation, including enabling systems of community governance, etc.
- Youth engagement
- Engagement of young people and/or youth networks to catalyse a restoration generation
Additional details
Genpact started in July 2021 with the session on Green bottle activity which talked about recycling. Since then, Genpact continues doing sessions on environmental awareness , biodiversity, pollution, water harvesting, waste management, responsible tourism. Genpact conducted 25 sessions till date and spent over ₹25 lacs. Over 11,858 participants got awareness on these wonderful sessions.
Carbon benefits
60,000 metric tons 10 years
Our ecologically and socially responsible approach
We will use the recommended standard to assess implementation practice: Principles for Ecosystem Restoration to Guide the UN Decade 2021-2030.
CERE's methodology for determining the carbon sequestration potential of a plantation is based on several factors, including:
• The bole volume of the tree,
• Determination of the biomass content (above and below ground), and
• Calculation of the sequestered organic carbon and, consequently, the carbon dioxide.
These factors are detailed in CERE's carbon sequestration methodology document, supported by references from peer-reviewed scientific literature.
Additionally, their methodology has been assured by KPMG under the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3410. This standard provides comprehensive guidance for professionals conducting assurance engagements on greenhouse gas (GHG) statements. Issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), ISAE 3410 ensures that GHG reports are accurate, consistent, and reliable, fostering transparency and trust. Its robust assurance processes enhance the credibility of emissions data, instilling confidence among key stakeholders such as regulators, investors, and the public.
Key Features of ISAE 3410:
• It aligns with internationally recognized frameworks, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14064, ensuring that GHG reporting meets international benchmarks.
• It supports compliance with regional regulations, such as the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
• It enables credible disclosures for voluntary initiatives like the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
By integrating these practices, ISAE 3410 promotes comparability and consistency in emissions reporting across industries and regions, reinforcing its role in the global sustainability landscape.
Please note that no specific project, but CERE’s methodology for carbon sequestration assessment has been assured under ISAE 3410.
Our results tracking
NGO partners will help tracking the progress of these metrics. For example, CERE will help measure the CO2 sequestration.
Ecological metrics
- Water quality in urban areas: reduction of contamination in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs near cities
- Carbon sequestration
- Energy saved through solar panels
- Reduction of scope 1,2, & 3 emissions
- Zero waste goals: reduction of plastics, e-waste, etc.
Social metrics
- Community Engagement: participation rates in efforts on sustainable practices
- Education and awareness: volunteer hours
Our system of accreditation
We are committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and scientific rigor in our sustainability initiatives. To this end, we have partnered with CERE (Centre for Environmental Research and Education), a renowned third-party organization, to conduct carbon sequestration assessments for our afforestation and environmental conservation projects in India.
Scope of Accreditation and Verification:
1. Carbon Sequestration Measurement
- CERE quantifies the carbon sequestration potential of our tree plantation initiatives by calculating the CO₂ absorption over the lifecycle of the saplings planted.
- The scope includes both current and planned afforestation projects, ensuring accurate tracking of carbon offsets.
2. Geographical Coverage
- The verification encompasses multiple locations in India where afforestation activities are undertaken, including rural and urban areas.
3. Methodology
- CERE utilizes internationally accepted protocols and methodologies for carbon measurement, ensuring credibility and alignment with global standards.
4. Periodic Reporting
- CERE provides regular reports, detailing the progress of carbon sequestration efforts, which are used for internal assessments and external disclosures.
Our partners
World Wildlife Fund, WTOR (Watershed Organization Trust), Pawikan Conservation Centre, Bataan, Myforest, Cresterm Romania Impreuno, United Way Hyderabad, United Way Delhi, SCEAD foundation, Green for Life foundation, Bhumi, Contree, Sankalptaru, IAMGURGAON, Goodera (for profit), UWH, IAMGURGAON, Piekne Anioly Foundation, Department of Agriculture and CFARMC (City Fishery Aquatic Resources Management Council)
Our locations
We are working at locations across Hungary, India, Philippines, Poland, and Romania.
India Regions:
Chambal, Rajasthan, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Warangal, Madurai, Lucknow, Jodhpur, Bangalore, Mumbai, Noida, Kolkata
Global Regions:
Hungary, Romania - Bucharest, Romania - Cluj, Philippines - Bataan, Poland